This photo editing app is by far the best photo editing by touch app. Highly adjustable functions such as increase/decrease the intensity and brush size with by sliding.
In addition you can zoom in/out for Finest touching and Detailed Editing.
Reset step by step Functionality.
25+Filters for Filling and Unfilling effect for Images.
- Zooming Functionality for Detail Editing.
- brush size Option for detailed editing
- Edit in High Resolution - and also save as your original image Quality.
- Cropping Image
- Reset feature!
-25+ filters for images to making perfect touch.
-Save Images within the app and share directly from preview and also save to Photos with own PicsTouch album.
--> Amatorka
--> BoxBlur
--> Brightness
--> ColorInvert
--> Emboss
--> FalseColor
--> GaussianBlur
--> GrayScale
--> Haze
--> Hue
--> Sepia
--> Sketch
--> more......